Dear Authors,
thank you for your interest in our journal. Before submitting your manuscript, please be advised that:
- A paper qualified by the Editorial Team for printing must be an original work not published before in any other journal, monograph, or any other publication.
- The submission of manuscripts and their publication is free of charge. Polish authors are requested to submit their manuscripts in Polish and English. The translation can be provided after the review process is completed.
- The Editorial Team reserves the right to refuse to publish manuscripts. Manuscripts intended for publication are not returned.
- Papers submitted in English are prioritized and the Editorial Team reserves the right to translate the whole text or selected parts.
- The Editorial Team reserves the right to abbreviate too long texts, limit the number of figures, tables, and charts as part of the editorial process and remove from the paper figures, photographs, and tables of poor quality if the author fails to provide their better quality versions upon request.
- Full texts of papers are published in Open Access and each published research paper is provided with metadata and DOI number.
- Authors of the papers receive one author’s complimentary copy.
- Correspondence authors are obliged to specify co-authors and their contribution to the manuscript, as well as their affiliation, address, e-mail address, degree, and ORCiD number - ghostwriting.
- When submitting a research paper both the authors and co-authors are obligated to fill in the copyrights declaration, and sent it via the editorial system
- When submitting a manuscript other than research paper, please send us a scan of the signed copyrights declaration at the following e-mail address: or send the signed document to the address of the Editorial Office.
How to write a research paper?
When writing a research paper, attention should be paid to the following:
- Length
Is the research paper not shorter than 10 pages (20 thousand characters with spaces) and not longer than 20 pages of typescript (36-40 thousand characters with spaces), including figures, tables, footnotes, and references? - Content quality
Does the paper have scientific, practical, or educational value?
Is the paper sufficiently interesting and novel?
Does the article add any new findings to the current state of knowledge on the issue?
Does the paper adhere to the journal’s standards?
Is the paper in line with the aims and scope of the journal? - Structure and clarity
Title: Is the title consistent with the problem presented in the article?
Abstract: Is the abstract within the limit of 150 -250 words?
Does the abstract include the aim of the paper, concise method description, key results and main conclusions?
Keywords: Are the from 3 to 5 relevant keywords?
Are the keywords precise? (General keywords, such as agriculture, Poland, etc., should be rejected.)
Are the keywords full phrases? (Using acronyms and abbreviations is not recommended. For example, use World Trade Organization rather than WTO.)
JEL codes: Are there from 3 to 5 relevant JEL codes?
Introduction: Does it clearly define the aim of the article?
Does it provide context, summarize research done so far, and include hypothesis(es)?
Materials and methods:
Were the research area and methodics properly explained?
Were the sample selection criteria clearly explained and justified?
Were the basic characteristics of the sample properly described?
Is the sample size suitable and representative?
Was the data collected regularly and comprehensively?
Are the statistical methods relevant?
Are the results important?
Is the data analysis appropriate?
Are the statistics correct?
Discussion and Conclusions:
Is the interpretation of results clearly presented and properly supported by evidence?
Are the conclusions significant and logically justified by presented evidence?
Are all the figures and tables in editable electronic form (Excel, Power Point)?
Are all the figures and tables adequate and necessary?
Are they easy to interpret and understand?
Are the bibliography items selected for the paper sufficient and relevant to the discussed problems?
Does the reference list include all references cited in the paper?
Does the reference list include any references which were not cited in the paper? (If yes, please delete them.)
Is the reference list in line with the APA style?
Are all English titles capitalized, e.g. Food Trade and the Costs of Non-Adoption of Genetic Engineering instead of Food Trade and the Costs of Non-Adoption of Genetic Engineering? (To capitalize the title you may use the tool “Capitalize My Title” - Language
Transparency of information: Is the language used in the paper clear and concise?
Writing style: Does the author use academic style and formal register?
Terminology: Is the terminology consistent throughout the paper for better clarity?
The manuscript template is available
Submission of the manuscript
- The submission of manuscripts and their publication is free of charge.
- If the manuscript is NOT a research paper, please send it to the following e-mail address: or together with a scan of the signed copyrights declaration (see above) and provide your full affiliation (name and address of the institution, e-mail, and phone number) and your ORCiD number.
- If the manuscript is a research paper, please submit it via the editorial system (by clicking on the following link: or by the tab “Submit your paper” on the website of our journal. By uploading the manuscript file, please make sure that the final version of the manuscript, tables and figures, as well as the name of the file do not include the authors’ names and affiliations. Our journal uses double-blind peer review: i.e. authors and reviewers do not know each other’s identity throughout the review process. For more detailed instructions concerning the editorial system click here.